Holiday Shopping on Amazon? Get them to Donate to Highland Park! Here's How:
Earlier this year, we announced that Highland Park Campmeeting Association was part of the Amazon Smile program. What does that mean? When you shop on Amazon through their Smile program, Amazon will donate .5% of your purchase to Highland Park Campmeeting Association, without affecting your purchase. While 1 cent for every 2 dollars may not seem like much, I can tell you that there are a lot of Amazon Prime members out there who do the majority of their shopping through Amazon, and it certainly adds up! Today, we'll be looking at how to use Amazon Smile when you purchase through Amazon.
How to get started on Amazon Smile
1. Go to our homepage at and click "Get started" in THIS graphic here:
2. Sign in with your Amazon user ID (email address) and password:
3. Start shopping! You'll know you're supporting Highland through the Smile program at the top-left corner of the page.
4. Every time you shop on Amazon in the future, just enter the site through instead of and it will remember that your smile donation is set for Highland Park! If you can't remember this link, just go through the "Get Started" link on our site, and it will get take you straight there.
5. If you prefer using the Amazon App on your smart phone or tablet to shop like I do, just keep in mind that this app will not buy through the Amazon Smile program, and if you purchase directly on the app, you won't be benefiting Highland Park. But there's an easy way to rectify this: Instead of adding the merchandise to your cart, add it to your "wish list."
Then pull up on your mobile browser, go to your wish list, and purchase the item.
Good luck in your holiday shopping this December!