Fall Updates 2016
We hope everyone is having a safe and wonderful fall. We have had some exciting things going on at Highland Park over the past few months since Camp Meeting 2016 ended.
National Register
You may or may not have been aware that an effort has been underway, initiated by Merle and Larry Landes, and the Historical Committee of Highland Park, to have Highland Park listed as part of the National Register by the National Park Service, as an example of the Camp Meeting movement in the late 19th century.. A meeting was to take place on October 4, 2016 by the Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Board to decide whether or not Highland Park's Nomination was to be carried to the next stage of the process. Highland Park's Board President Ed Van Arsdale announced that Highland Park was approved by the Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Board for listing on the National Register. A video was also included in the announcement (see above).
Congratulations to our dedicated Historical Committee for some hard work that has paid off!
Cottage owner, Larry Landes, admiring the restoration of the Fireplace, at the Pavilion.
The Fireplace at the Highland Park Pavilion has been restored as a Memorial to Rev. Earl Trauger and Merle Landes, Larry's wife. These memorial funds are $1000.00 short, of the actual cost, of the project. If you would like to contribute to this needed repair, please send your check, made out to: Highland Park Camp Meeting and mail to Highland Park Camp Meeting, PO Box 5, Sellersville, PA 18960. Write "Fireplace" in the Check Memo section.