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Park News - July 2015
Welcome to our new friends, Child Evangelism Fellowship
We would like to welcome the Bucks-Mont Chapter of Child Evangelism Fellowship to our Campground, as they move into Cottage No. 1 at Highland Park. This group performs a variety of services to the local community throughout the year. While Highland Park celebrates its 122nd Annual Camp Meeting, CEF will commuting to Philadelphia for their summer missions trip, "Flood Philly" in their efforts to reach boys and girls with the gospel and show God's love in everything they do. They will also be working with our own campers as they work on their service project during camp. If you see someone from CEF, please say hello, and give them a warm welcome to Highland Park!
It's not too late to register for camp!
Our Youth Camp for grades 6-12 is still accepting registrations. The Youth camp is held during Camp Meeting week from Sunday July 26 to Sunday, August 2. Check-in is at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 26, and our on-line registration will remain open until the evening of Saturday, July 25. Cost is $160 for the week, but if you invite a friend, you can save $80. We've already had a lot of camper registrations, but the more, the merrier! Don't miss out, it's a great experience!
Introducing our new Young Adult Program
In an effort to keep our Camp Alumni actively involved with our annual Camp Meeting and maintain stability in participation, Highland Park is now offering a Young Adult Program for ages 18-30. Participants will be volunteering their time to help out with the many activities, programs, park maintenance, services, and all of the aspects of Highland Park Camp Meeting, while housed at Highland Park. While this program is still currently in its infancy, this program will ultimately include its own bible study, service projects, and community outreach. Interested persons should contact Holly Fite as soon as possible.
King's Brass Concert Next Week
Our Annual King's Brass Concert will take place Next Tuesday, July 21 at 7:30 in our Tabernacle. If you've never heard them play, this is a nationally-famous brass ensemble that plays a variety of styles, including contemporary praise, traditional hymns, classical, marching-band crowd-pleasers, and jazz. There is no cost for admission, but we will hold a love offering for the King's Brass to pay for their expenses for performing at Highland. The concert is usually about an hour and a half long, and refreshments will be sold at the snack stand afterwards. This group is no joke, and draws a crowd from all over the state. Please come and enjoy a beautiful summer night of great music and fun!
2015 Camp Meeting and Youth Camp starts Next Weekend!
Our 122nd Annual Camp Meeting will take place from Saturday, July 25 to Sunday, August 2. Our camp meeting will kick off with a concert by Norma and Roy Brunner on Piano and Organ on Saturday, July 25 at 7:30. The Youth Camp will open check-in at 1:00 p.m. in the Dining Hall, and Guest Evangelist Colleen Batchelder will deliver our first service at 7:30 p.m. Sunday Evening. Our theme for the week is "We Were Made to Thrive," based on the contemporary Christian song "Thrive" as performed by Casting Crowns. We will also have the pleasure of a praise band joining us for our services for the week.
Make sure you come out and join us during Camp Meeting week! If you have never been to Highland before, you'll love the great music, powerful messages, and the fellowship we have to offer to you. If you have been with us before, you know you can always count on a yummy ice cream cone after each service, but be prepared for how much Highland has grown over the past few years! Come visit our Camp Meeting page for our mealtime menus and daily schedule.
Interested in teaching a bible study?
Our youth camp is always in need of good, knowledgeable Christians who are interested in working with our youth ages 12-18. If you think you would enjoy leading a bible study for a small group of our youth, please contact our Youth Director, Dr. Joanne Leight. Each bible study group will have approximately 6 sessions together during the week of camp meeting from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
This site needs your contributions
If you are interested in spreading your faith with the rest of the world, please consider writing for our blog! We aim to steer clear of the trendy, controversial subjects that may clutter up your news feed, and focus on the more relevant topics and troubles of daily Christian life. Interested Highlanders should contact Jack Grimes at their earliest convenience.
Love one another, even when you don’t like people.
Jesus issued us this commandment, not for our good days, but for the days where we don’t like people. For the days when those little annoyances have piled up on us and we are ready to throw things at the cashier who is not paying attention and is taking forever.
Have you ever had those days where you just don’t like people? I know that I have them, and far more often than I should. Between the stories on the news, comments on the internet, drivers on the road, and customers in stores- we are bombarded with examples of people at their worst. It’s an easy reaction to become exasperated with the human race.
However, Jesus made it clear how we are to treat others. Very clear- Love each other. And he didn’t have any addendums to this. Nowhere did he say “Love each other, except when they cut you off on the highway.” Or, “Love each other when they are nice to you.” And especially, “Love each other if they are of the same mind as you.” Nope. Not even a little bit. Here’s the thing, love is a verb. It is an action. Many times love is viewed as an abstract, a feeling which cannot be quantified or explained. It’s not, it is a verb. And Jesus knew this. Jesus was telling us that we are to actively love one another. And, if you are wondering what that means, Paul spells it out for us in 1 Corinthians 13:4-5, “Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.” I’m sure there were some hard eye rolls when I pulled out 1 Corinthians, the classic wedding verse. But if you look at this from a personal verb standpoint, it reads very different- My love for others is patient and kind. I show love for others by not being jealous or boastful or proud or rude to them. I do not demand my own way because I love others. I am not irritable to others and I keep no record of being wronged. Totally different, right? Jesus issued us this commandment, not for our good days, but for the days where we don’t like people. For the days when those little annoyances have piled up on us and we are ready to throw things at the cashier who is not paying attention and is taking forever.
We are to be patient and kind and NOT be irritable and demand our own way. Jesus knew that what he was commanding us to do was the opposite of what the world expects from us. It is the opposite of our instincts. It takes action. It takes a verb. And if we are to bring the light of Christ into this world, then we have to step up with every encounter we have. It means that we have to actively show love to all people, even when we may dislike them.
“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.” John 13:34 NLT
Why Highland Park Youth Camp?
When I was a camper, many, many years ago (like, the 90's), I tried very hard to convince my friends to come to Highland Park Youth Camp. "Your camp doesn't even have a lake! It's hardly a camp at all!" Unfortunately, I was not very convincing. I just couldn't make friends understand that Highland Park had something very special to offer that you just can't find anywhere else. But I apparently missed some big ones...
When I was a camper, many, many years ago (like, the 90's), I tried very hard to convince my friends to come to Highland Park Youth Camp. "Your camp doesn't even have a lake! It's hardly a camp at all!" Unfortunately, I was not very convincing. I just couldn't make friends understand that Highland Park had something very special to offer that you just can't find anywhere else. But I apparently missed some big ones...
The Food
You think of camp food, you think of mystery meat, the Awful Waffle, and dozens of jokes about just how bad the food is. You won't hear these jokes at Highland Park. Our kitchen staff works hard, and actually cooks really good food. So good, in fact, that they run out each night because everyone wants seconds. The only thing you really have to worry about is making sure you don't wear white on Spaghetti night, because if you do, you will inevitably get spaghetti sauce on your perfectly clean white shirt. Many of our meals are inspired by Pennsylvania Dutch style recipes, so we hear very few complaints!
Regular Access to Ice Cream
...Because what could be better? Our snack stand is open at least twice a day, and Ice cream is kept very well stocked. The Chocolate Peanut butter is unparalleled with it's giant chunks of peanut butter,, and the Moose Tracks will satisfy any chocoholic that tries it. And it's only a dollar! It's the perfect ending after each evening service. It's a thing, you should definitely try it.
Latchhook Jesus
No joke, there is a Latchhook of Jesus hanging in the Tabernacle. It's just one of the many unusual things that help to make Highland Park what it is. Also, if you are around at about 7:00, you'll hear a bell ringing for a whole minute, and watch everyone in the whole camp stop and pray. You'll see people walking through an arbor and suddenly stop talking, You will see these little miniature houses all throughout the park which are referred to as the "cottages," also once mistaken by a member of a certain rock band as "huts." These things have all been an part of Highland's culture as a community, and we welcome you to come and understand why we love them, and why they are so important to us!
Evening Worship
We have a guest evangelist every year. I'll admit, I NEVER know what to expect each year from our evangelist, but I am very rarely disappointed. Our services are extremely thought-provoking, and sometimes even life-changing experiences for many of our campers. Maybe this will be the week that you invite Jesus Christ into your life. Maybe this will be the week you rediscover Jesus as your Savior, or learn to forgive, understand why terrible things happen to you even though you know you have done everything right in your life, or even help to introduce Christ to someone else who is desperately seeking Him. Whatever this week of camp may hold in store for you, you can count on enjoying a delicious ice cream cone with all of us afterwards!
Registration Fee
The typical going rate for a week of camp is about $500 depending on what camp you attend. If it's a two-week camp, that can get even more expensive. A typical registration for one camper at Highland Park is only $160. That's not counting the $80 discount you can get for inviting a friend.
Why is the price so low? Highland Park is purely non-profit, with a single purpose of bringing people closer to the Lord. We aren't doing it for the money, which keeps the cost to you down. $160 still too high? You can pay $80 now, and pay the rest later. We also have a limited number of scholarships available for campers with difficulty affording the registration fee. These scholarships were donated by some very kind people from Highland Park who wanted to make a difference in a camper's life. You can contact our Registrar for more information about the scholarships.
What are you waiting for?
Come and join us for camp this summer! Click here for registration options, or learn more about our Youth Camp.
-Jack Grimes
Comprehending a Big God With a Tiny Brain Andi Grimes
It may seem weird that I am going to start off a blog post about God with a video of Neil DeGrasse Tyson talking about life on other planets. If you are unfamiliar with him, he is a famous astrophysicist, and a vocal atheist. Even with that second part, I am still a big fan of his. And, I promise, this video will illustrate the point that I want to make. This is a long video, and interesting, but the part that I am going to reference starts at about 7:40
To sum up for those who didn’t feel like watching a video, Dr. Tyson points out that the DNA difference between us and a chimp is 1%. That’s it. 1%. And, imagine if there were life on other planets that is 1% in the other direction from us and chimps- what would they know? How would they look at us?
Think about that 1% for a minute- then multiply it by God; The God that breathed the universe into existence. That’s a lot more than 1%, right? We are like an ant trying to comprehend human beings. How would an ant describe humans? Would they even have the capability to begin to describe what a human is?
So, how can we expect to fully comprehend God? When we read the Bible, we are reading God put into words- the words created by our tiny, limited minds. When Jesus came to Earth, the words he spoke created new understanding of God, which makes sense considering he was God and human. But, even with that, you can see that humans were then, and are still now, a bit dense. The disciples, who lived with Jesus, still didn’t get what Jesus was saying to them much of the time. Jesus told them that the temple would be destroyed and rebuilt in 3 days, and it wasn’t until after Jesus’ resurrection that they had any idea what he was talking about. I always imagine Jesus looking at them with his hand on his forehead saying, “Guys, we went over this multiple times. Why were you confused?” But he knew why they were confused.
This brings me back to my point. Humans are dense. We don’t understand God, even when he is here on Earth talking directly to us. We are not able to fully comprehend God because we are ants in comparison. We cannot say with any certainty that we understand His ways or His plans. We can’t. And, really, we shouldn’t. There will be a day when each of us meets God in His full splendor, but at that time we will not be confined by the limitations of our physical being. And maybe that’s the point. Until then, we can study the Bible, but understand that what we have is an ant’s understanding of human. We will always be tiny in our understanding of the divine.
“For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts are higher than your thoughts” Isaiah 55:9 NLT
Sit down, shut up, and listen
Be still. I don’t know about you, but those words are very difficult for me. I feel like I am always talking. I was the kid who constantly was told that I talk too much, and it hasn’t changed over the years. Even when my mouth isn’t moving, my mind is still having conversations: going through to-do lists, planning for upcoming meetings, or even having arguments with people that I haven’t spoken to in years. My mind is rarely quiet. I found this especially true when I prayed.
- by Andi Grimes
Be still. I don’t know about you, but those words are very difficult for me. I feel like I am always talking. I was the kid who constantly was told that I talk too much, and it hasn’t changed over the years. Even when my mouth isn’t moving, my mind is still having conversations: going through to-do lists, planning for upcoming meetings, or even having arguments with people that I haven’t spoken to in years. My mind is rarely quiet. I found this especially true when I prayed.
I had a pretty set form. I would thank the Lord for all that I have in this life and the opportunities for growth and learning that I have been given. Then I asked for blessings on my friends and family, followed by anyone else that I had promised to pray for. Then I’d close with my general concerns for the world and that would be it. What I realized that I was missing was that I didn’t give God any time to talk to me. I was so busy giving him a laundry list of needs that I never took the time to quiet my mind and let Him speak to me. I could ask a million times for direction and purpose in my life, but when was I giving him the opportunity to tell me anything?
I found that once I stopped spending all of my prayer time yammering on and just stopping, that I was finding focus and clarity for some issues that had been troubling me. I also found new ideas that I had never considered- like actually doing blog posts. I never thought it was something that I would do. So, the next time that you sit down to pray, stop and try to turn off your mind. I realize what a challenge this can be, especially if you are a chatterbox like I am. But, if you take the time to sit down, shut up, and listen, you can start to hear what the Lord wants to say to you.
“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” Psalms 46:10
What Makes Great leaders Great
What is it that makes a person a good Christian leader? What is it that separates those who follow Christ and those who have not found the love of God in their lives yet? These have been two burning questions in my mind since we left camp 9 months ago, and since then I have struggled to answer the question. What is it that I should be doing to demonstrate good leadership as a Christian man in my everyday life?
I became focused on the surface attributes that everyone does. First, I must be better at whatever it is I am doing than everyone else because that immediately makes me the leader, correct? Two issues immediately became apparent when I attempted to install this idea in my life. The first was that I was never going to be as good at some things as others, and if all I based leadership on was being the best, I would fall short in many areas. When I think back to some of the most brilliant leaders I have ever met, none of them established themselves as perfect or the best. They were just trying to do the best they could and help as many others as they could to find the love from God that they had. That was my second issue. Even the greatest leaders I have met or heard speak were not the best in their field at times. It had to be something else.
So the next area I thought to try was control. To be a great leader you must control everything and instill in others your dominance. Immediately, I found this difficult to replicate because as I began my attempt to control others and establish a leadership, the opposite would occur. They would not look to me as a leader, but instead as a pushy, obnoxious man who attempted to control them in order to feel better about himself. Where was I going wrong? If a leader is not always the best at what he is doing and a leader is not just the person asserting control or fear, what is a leader and what makes that leader a good one?
Then it finally dawned on me. Some of the strongest and most influential Christian leaders I have ever met were not perfect or in control, but instead they loved unconditionally. I realized that the men who had helped shape my spiritual life through Highland and other Christian environments I have been a part of did so through unconditional supportive love. They lead by example in one area at all times, loving others. John 13:34 “"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” This commandment was so special it was given apart and separate from all the others. It focused on one thing and one thing only, love.
Now you maybe asking yourself, “Well of course I love everyone but I don’t feel like I am a great leader?” Well I felt that way too. Then I found this quote in a book I have been reading by A.G. Riddle, “Great leaders as forged from the fire of hard decisions.” How does this apply to love and Christian leadership? The great leaders I have known have loved through difficult and trying times. These leaders love everyone regardless of their stories or their background. They love through their character flaws and difficulties. That love and caring displays and it creates what their leadership is founded on. This love is difficult and hard, but it is through these fires that their leadership is built.
I want to grow in that area. I may never be the best speaker or the greatest writer, but I want to be a leader in my communities for Christ. I want my life to be an example for Christ and I feel that if more Christians focused on this tenant of our faith, Love, we would become great leaders for our world that at times feels so lost and distant from the love of Christ. May God bless you all.
--- Written by Ian Johnston
The Pharisees among us
Every Easter, we hear the retelling of the different parts of the life of Jesus Christ, most specifically, the ending of His life. For some reason, lately I have been drawn to the passages focused around the Pharisees, and it got me thinking about how, in some ways, our world isn't that much different than it was 2,000 years ago.
The word Pharisee actually means pure, or separate. These were men who aspired to be the best of the Jews, and were considered to be the most righteous of all of the Jewish people during the days of Jesus Christ. They definitely knew their stuff, and had worked very hard to be righteous in the eyes of God. The Bible, however, certainly does not show them in quite the same light. In the Bible, these men are depicted as uptight, arrogant men who wielded the word of God as a weapon to turn against Jesus and his followers. They could not see past their bigotry, greed, or need to control others, even when the miracles performed by Jesus were shown right in front of their eyes. They saw Jesus as a threat to everything they had and stood for, and took every opportunity to discredit or disempower him in front of the crowds. They even went so far as to manipulate an angry crowd, already outraged that Jesus was not the warrior they expected who would liberate them from the control of Rome, into demanding that He was crucified. All in the name of God.
The Pharisees were an elite group of self-righteous leaders 2,000 years ago, but they are still alive and strong today. We live in a world where people use the Bible to strike each other down in the name of God and even Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself said, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." (John 13:34). I often wonder, if Jesus came back to our world, would he be met with the Love that he had for all of us and commanded us to have for each other, or the treachery of the Pharisees? Would he find a world where people love and accept each other, or where they judge and condemn each other in His name? Would he, too, be condemned?
God loved the world so much that he allowed his Son to go through one of the most agonizing deaths known to our world. He did this so that everyone who was ever born could be forgiven of their sins, no matter what they are, and be given eternal life by believing in Him. All sins, all people, through His Love, whether the Pharisees approve or not. It's a complete game changer. This was the memo that the Pharisees missed way back in Jerusalem, and the Pharisees of today haven't really completely figured out yet either. As you go into this beautiful Easter weekend, I challenge you to embrace the Good News all over again, and be joyful for the amazing sacrifice that God made for all of us.
"For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." -John 3:16-17
Winter Update: News From the Park
Hey everyone,
Hoping you had a wonderful Fall, and your winter is going well. On Sunday this past week we sat down to some legendary Kratz Lasagna at our annual Mid-Year Banquet. We had some fun catching up with each other, and got to hear some exciting announcements for this year.
Meet our New Evangelist for 2015
We were introduced to our new evangelist for Highland Park, 2015, Colleen Batchelder. From an early age, Colleen has had a passion for sharing her relationship with Jesus Christ with others. She's received several degrees in biblical studies and ministry, but was very recently diagnosed with a life-changing condition placing her at risk for Aortic Aneurysms. The average lifespan for people with this disease is approximately 45 years. Colleen embraced this as a calling from God to spend the rest of her life ministering to others instead of studying, and sharing her passion with the rest of the world. We are blessed to have her sharing her passion with us as Highland Park's first female evangelist, and are excited to welcome her into our Highland Park Family.
Registration Is Open, and we have yet another great deal
As if $160.00 wasn't a low enough price for a week of youth camp, we're offering an opportunity to cut that in half. If you introduce a friend to Highland Park and they attend as a first-year camper, you will only be responsible for your $80.00 deposit. Please keep in mind, your friend must not have been a camper prior to this year, and must be entering grades 7-12 or graduating in 2015 (Sorry, TJ, you can't use Elliot as your friend).
New registration forms are currently in the process of being printed, and will be mailed out soon, but you can download them here if you want to share Highland Park with a friend. On-line registration and payment is also available through our website at
This is the year that you won't want to put this off until July. We got really good at advertising last year, and are starting three months early! Make your plans now to join us for camp!
It's easy to keep "Christ" in "Christmas"
If you frequent any social media, it's not easy to miss the heated debate over keeping "Christ" in "Christmas" while partaking in holiday traditions. It's also not easy resisting the urge to weigh in on your perspective of this controversial subject. It is, however, easier than you might think to find Christ wherever you may look.
Santa Claus is Real
For centuries, the tradition of portly, jolly, white-bearded man wearing the red suit has been celebrated by many different cultures around the globe, and is often recognized as "St. Nicholas." The name used commonly in the U. S. is actually derived from the name "Sinterklaas," which is how the Dutch spell "Sint-Nicolass." St. Nicholas was the only son of wealthy parents in Myra (which is now in Turkey) who died from a disease when he was a young child. He was raised by his uncle, the Bishop of Patara. Nicholas followed in his footsteps and was ordained into priesthood. He had a reputation for secret gift giving, such as putting money in the shoes of those who left them out, and helping to pay the dowry of young women by throwing money in the window. His reputation evolved among other Christians, which was common for early Christian Saints. He is believed to be one of the bishops who signed the Nicene Creed. He may not actually have lived at the North Pole (Turkey, rather) or employ a contingent of elves to build toys, but he was a man who acted out the love of God, and his acts of love later transcended him into the legends of him that many hold dear today.
O Saturnalia Tree...
The "Christmas Tree," among many other Christmas traditions actually originated from before Christianity was Christianity. Evergreens were often seen as symbols of eternal life by cultures as early as the Ancient Egyptians and Chinese, and were later used by the early Romans to celebrate the Winter Solstice. As one of the only natural occurrences of color in the winter time, the Romans used evergreen trees as decorations in Saturnalia, their celebration of the Winter Solstice, which was their most important holiday because it symbolized the approach of the spring, and the return of their crops. As the Roman Empire spread all over the Western Hemisphere, so did many of their customs, including the use of evergreens to celebrate Winter Holidays. Once Christianity emerged, early Christians would celebrate Christmas while the pagan Romans celebrated Saturnalia. Naturally, the evergreens, along with many other traditions, such as gift-giving and feasting were assimilated into the celebration of Christmas Day as we know it today.
It Doesn't Matter how you do it
All of these traditions, whether they originated from the birth of Christ or not, are rooted in the most powerful force on this earth, God's love. Sometimes it's hard to see just how much His love has permeated everything around us, whether it's the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ, to the celebration of St. Nicholas, one of the most generous wielders of God's love in Christian history. What's important, is how you celebrate His love to everyone you come in contact with. The traditions that we've come to know Christmas by are only kept because of the love that they inpire in one another, and the gratitude that we have for God's incredible gift to the human race, which was inspired by His love for us.
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." - John 13:35
Not by our facebook, not by how we celebrate holidays, or even what holidays we celebrate, but by the way we treat each other and demonstrate God's incredible love. Look for God's love in everything around you, and let it fill you with joy, not judgement. Instead of jealousy, take joy in seeing God's love fill the hearts that have not yet discovered Him, and pray that He begins His work in them. Have a Merry Christmas, everyone!
Holiday Shopping on Amazon? Get them to Donate to Highland Park! Here's How:
Earlier this year, we announced that Highland Park Campmeeting Association was part of the Amazon Smile program. What does that mean? When you shop on Amazon through their Smile program, Amazon will donate .5% of your purchase to Highland Park Campmeeting Association, without affecting your purchase. While 1 cent for every 2 dollars may not seem like much, I can tell you that there are a lot of Amazon Prime members out there who do the majority of their shopping through Amazon, and it certainly adds up! Today, we'll be looking at how to use Amazon Smile when you purchase through Amazon.
Earlier this year, we announced that Highland Park Campmeeting Association was part of the Amazon Smile program. What does that mean? When you shop on Amazon through their Smile program, Amazon will donate .5% of your purchase to Highland Park Campmeeting Association, without affecting your purchase. While 1 cent for every 2 dollars may not seem like much, I can tell you that there are a lot of Amazon Prime members out there who do the majority of their shopping through Amazon, and it certainly adds up! Today, we'll be looking at how to use Amazon Smile when you purchase through Amazon.
How to get started on Amazon Smile
1. Go to our homepage at and click "Get started" in THIS graphic here:
2. Sign in with your Amazon user ID (email address) and password:
3. Start shopping! You'll know you're supporting Highland through the Smile program at the top-left corner of the page.
4. Every time you shop on Amazon in the future, just enter the site through instead of and it will remember that your smile donation is set for Highland Park! If you can't remember this link, just go through the "Get Started" link on our site, and it will get take you straight there.
5. If you prefer using the Amazon App on your smart phone or tablet to shop like I do, just keep in mind that this app will not buy through the Amazon Smile program, and if you purchase directly on the app, you won't be benefiting Highland Park. But there's an easy way to rectify this: Instead of adding the merchandise to your cart, add it to your "wish list."
Then pull up on your mobile browser, go to your wish list, and purchase the item.
Good luck in your holiday shopping this December!